Internet of Things (Lessons)
Эмулятор "умных вещей" для занятий по технологиям Интернета вещей
Timur.Idiatullov — ср, 04/10/2023 - 23:44
Освоение технологий Интернета вещей в значительном числе случаев, связано с разработкой программного обеспечения на облачной платформе, к которой должны быть подключены различные "умные вещи" (smart-devices), которые должны передавать и получать данные с облачной платформы.
SmartDevices emulator
Timur.Idiatullov — пн, 06/09/2021 - 11:49
A special version of the emulator for learning the principles of developing IoT applications for the ThingWorx platform
Internet of Things as a skill (Why the Internet of Things is not the same as Smart Home or Smart Greenhouse)
Timur.Idiatullov — ср, 04/08/2021 - 02:25
More recently, in 2014 - 2015, the Internet of Things was very far from being considered a profession. Of course, there were automation systems operating over the Internet, but it was difficult to create such systems and they were implemented only at large enterprises.
In a few lessons, I will try to tell you what the Internet of Things is now, and who will a specialist with this profession work in the future.