IoT TestProject WSC
Симулятор смарт-камеры с рабочей зоной 6 на 6 ячеек
Timur.Idiatullov — вт, 12/04/2022 - 00:09
Симуляторы смарт-устройств позволяют отработать некоторые функции приложений "Интернета вещей" без подключения реальных устройств.
SmartCamera (Matrix version) Simulator. The quick start guide.
Timur.Idiatullov — вт, 27/07/2021 - 01:33
This simulator emulates the operation of a new smart camera used in the IoT skills competition court.
RemoteTerminal simulator
Timur.Idiatullov — вс, 14/07/2019 - 19:22
Remote Terminal is one of the devices from the flexible production line equipment set that is designed to be controlled during a test run within a test project.
Solving the problem of connecting "real things" to the ThingWorx platform
Timur.Idiatullov — вс, 14/07/2019 - 18:06
The topic is devoted to the resolution of technical issues on working with the ThingWorx platform, as well as equipment settings and connections.